Тест на определение уровня языка для взрослых

Предлагаем Вам пройти небольшой тест. Это поможет нашим экспертам более точно определить Ваш уровень языка и подобрать программу обучения.

До выполнения теста обязательно оставьте нам Ваши контактные данные.

Let's go!
Отличная работа! Теперь, если Вы готовы, отправьте тест для проверки нашим экспертам. Они скоро свяжутся с Вами!
I`m 18 and my brother is 20, so he`s .......... me.
Jan .......... her arm on a hot iron.
Tomorrow`s holiday, so we .......... go to work.
I usually .......... swimming at least once a week
My friend Siena ........... to Russia last year.
If I .......... well in my exams, I .......... to university.
Where did you go .......... holiday last year?
There .......... milk in the fridge.
Why on the earth isn`t Josh here yet? .......... for him for over an hour!
It`s pouring down, and it`s freezing. What are the weather conditions?
My job is never boring. The speaker`s job is always .......... .
Daniel`s hair is getting far too long; he should .......... soon.
Do you want .......... the match tonight?
Cats and dogs are usually kept as .......... .
There .......... a terrible accident if the pilot hadn`t reacted so quickly.